About The Site

How it started:

I started to document OHV trails in the summer of 2004 to help me remember where I had been and how to get back. By the winter of 2004 I had documented most of the easy to moderate trails in the Eldorado National Forest. I was saving this information in Microsoft Word which allowed text as well as pictures. In the early spring of 2005 my hard drive crashed and I lost all of my information. I was pissed, all of my work was gone.

I decided to start a web site so that I could view my information from anywhere and so that it would be backed up on the internet and my hard drive. In 2007 I decided to make the information public and transferred the site from geocities.com to gentryoffroad.com.

In 2009 I decided to upgrade the site to PHP to make images automatically post instead of typing in all of the information. The upgrade to PHP allowed me to post a new trail in a few minutes even if there was 100+ pictures. The saved time allowed me to accept trail information from other people, which started to create a large collection of trails with accurate information. This allows people to easily find information on lots of trails instead of searching on the internet for hours.