Deer Lake OHV
Author whokrz
Year 2005
Trail Open June - October (Depending on snow level)
Difficulty Moderate [5]  4WD recommended, most of the trail is easy, the last part of the trail near the lake is a little steep but 4wd shouldn't have any trouble.
Description Short easy trail with a few nice views.
Location Tahoe National Forest near Gold Lake
Directions Google Maps from Truckee to the back of Gold Lake.
When you reach this point you will need to use the Forest Service Map.
Fishing I didn't fish but I am sure fish are in the lake
Camping It is 200yrds walk down to the lake and looks like there is a few spots. You would want to bring a back pack.
Elevation 7100 - 7400
Latitude 39° 38' 36" N
Longitude 120° 40' 6" W
Weather National Weather Service
Map Index B-5 (Tahoe National Forest)
Maps Small Map of Area
Tahoe National Forest Map (9MB)

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